God calls his own people a “Royal Priesthood”. God makes us his kingdom, kings and queens. We are bound together by the Holy Spirit in Baptism for the Christian benefit of each other.

The materials on this page will guide you in your work as God’s priestly people. By daily repetition, learn by heart as much as you can:

The themes and verse of the week;
the hymns marked with an asterisk (*); and
the catechism portion printed for the week.

Priests Pray

They talk to God about their neighbors.

Priests Teach

They talk to their neighbors about God.

Priests Offer Sacrifices

They offer to God: sacrifices of broken and contrite hearts. With hearts of praise and thanksgiving, they learn patience in suffering. They offer their bodies in work and deeds of holy services to God for their neighbors.

Let the questions and statements with the Psalm and the Readings guide you in discussion and meditation.

The order for Meditation and Prayer

  1. Begin “In the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.” Let all say “Amen!”
  2. Repeat the theme and the verse for the week.
  3. Sing, or read as a poem, the hymn or hymns.
  4. Pray the Psalm. One leads; the others respond.
  5. Pray the Collect for next Sunday.
  6. The Readings: Use the daily readings as listed, your Seasons of Reflection One-Year Bible, or concentrate your study on the Propers throughout the week.
  7. The Catechism: Leader asks the questions; the others respond.
  8. The Apostles’ Creed: Confess it as praise to God and as confession of faith to praise God, to strengthen the faith of the others, and to learn to think about you, the way God thinks about you.
  9. Pray: Briefly, fervently. Use the daily intercessions and the daily themes (see below). Conclude with the OUR FATHER.
  10. Close with “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Love of God and The Fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with us, now and forever.” “Amen!”

Intercessions to be Used Daily

  1. Pray for fathers, mothers and families of our congregation.
  2. Pray for the teachers and students of our Sunday school and catechetical classes, and that all of us would be faithful in studying God’s Word.
  3. Pray for the sick.
  4. Pray for faithful hope and lively joy in our congregation; and pray against fear, greed, and violence.

Daily Themes for Prayer

Monday for workers, and the unemployed; schools, universities and seminaries; for all government; for peace.
Tuesday for the tempted, especially the addicted and despairing; for the tortured and oppressed.
Wednesday for families to receive Divine illumination to live in marriages and family life; for those adults who must rear their children alone.
Thursday for the church and her pastors; for the missionaries (see worship folder); for salutary use of the Blessed Sacrament of the Lord’s Body & Blood.
Friday for the preaching of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and for its spread throughout the whole world, especially in our neighborhood; for the persecuted.
Saturday or faithfulness to the end; for the revival of those withering in the faith or who have fallen away; for the dying and for a good death; for diligent preparation for worship and study tomorrow.
Sunday for the joy of the Resurrection among us; for true and godly worship throughout the world; for true preaching and diligent hearing of God’s Word; and salutary eating and drinking of the Lord’s Body and Blood.

“Train yourself in godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:7b-8, RSV)