As we gather for worship this Sunday the appointed readings powerfully call us to trust in the Lord. The Gospel and Old Testament readings both present the profound contrast that comes from relying on human strength and accomplishment on the one hand, or depending on God on the other. The first reliance will ultimately prove to be misplaced and useless, the other will not only provide sustenance now, but unimaginable blessing in the future. “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead,” our faith is not futile. May you be strengthened this day again by our Lord’s promise and respond with an ever firmer faith in him.
More hymns will be added as time goes on. If you have a favorite, let Pastor know and he may be able to add it, if it’s in the public domain.
Family Catechetical Hour: The Priesthood at Prayer
And the guide for using the Catechetical Hour here:How to Use the Family Catechetical Hour