Shepherd of the Valley is governed by elected members of the congregation. The Board of Elders attends to the spiritual needs of the congregation while the Council attends to the other needs.


Basic objectives of the Board of Elders are the spiritual welfare of all members of the congregation, both individually and collectively, and the well-being and support of the Pastor. Specifically, the Board shall encourage spiritual programs within the congregation generally, so that all members will have a healthy and vital Christian life focused around Word and Sacrament.


The President shall preside at all meetings of the Council and the Voters’ Assembly and shall lead the congregation in accordance with the Constitution and the Bylaws of the congregation doing his best to ensure all elected and appointed officers, boards, and committees of the congregation, with the exception of the Elders, carry out their individual functions and responsibilities to the best of their ability.

Vice President

The Vice-President shall become familiar with the workings of the congregation so that he will be prepared to be a candidate for the office of the President and shall act for and in the stead of the President whenever necessary.


The Treasurer shall see that all bona fide bills of the congregation are paid and that accurate records of the receipts and disbursements of the congregation are kept in books which shall be reviewed annually. He shall provide a projection of the operating budget of the congregation whenever necessary, especially at the time of budget preparation for the coming year.

Education Director

The Director of Education shall coordinate and promote Christian education in the congregation and  shall have primary responsibility for the Sunday School and Vacation Bible School programs of the congregation.

Evangelism Director

The Director of Evangelism shall be responsible for the congregation’s efforts to reach out with the Gospel to those who have not yet believed or who are presently not involved in any congregation by promoting informal, spontaneous witnessing by members of the congregation and seeking ways to train and encourage them in this as a way of life.

Fellowship Director

The Director of Fellowship shall take the lead in planning, supervising, and publicizing congregational events which will provide opportunity for Christian fellowship and shall assist in the integration of new members and their families into the congregation.

Stewardship Director

The Director of Stewardship shall promote and encourage an understanding of Christianity as a vocation or calling that encompasses all of life—work, home, family, friends, and church by encouraging the congregation to respond in thanks to God for salvation with all that they have and are.

Council Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall attend all council and Voters’ Assembly meetings and record the minutes of those meetings.


The Director of Trustees shall be responsible for all the property belonging to the congregation and shall arrange for the proper maintenance and repair of church property by securing volunteer help or professional services.

Youth Director

The Director of Youth Ministry shall provide opportunities for the young people of the congregation to gather together for fellowship, spiritual enrichment, and service to others.