Message for this week

As we gather for worship this Sunday we see again clearly the great love of God for sinners.  With great emotion Jesus speaks of his longing to shelter and shield even those who have repeatedly rejected him.  “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem . . . How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings . . .” (Luke 13:34).  In the Old Testament reading we see one of these attempts, but we see also Jesus’ disappointment “. . . and you would not!” (Luke 13:34).  These are those who “walk as enemies of the cross of Christ” (Philippians 3:18), who will be left desolate because they rejected the Lord.  May the Lord preserve us from such a fate and lead us to desire shelter in him.


Hymns of Hope and Comfort

Hymns of Hope and Comfort are a selection of recorded hymns you may wish to listen to or sing along with. They are all in the public domain, meaning that they can be posted here without concern for violating copyright.

More hymns will be added as time goes on. If you have a favorite, let Pastor know and he may be able to add it, if it’s in the public domain.

Catechetical Hour

Check here for the weekly Catechetical Hour:

Family Catechetical Hour: The Priesthood at Prayer

And the guide for using the Catechetical Hour here:How to Use the Family Catechetical Hour

Worship Anew

Worship Anew is a weekly thirty minute Lutheran TV broadcast worship service which includes music, Scripture readings, prayers, and a pastor delivering a message. The program is intended for those unable to attend church. It is closed captioned for the hearing impaired.

Higher Things

Higher Things, a ministry to Lutheran youth, provides daily devotions called “Reflections” for youth and their families. These Reflections, which center on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.